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Michelle Rodriguez wearing a black tank and smiling

Michelle Rodriguez

There are 4,869,400 Latinx and Hispanic Americans living with a disability in the U.S.

Only 37 percent of working-age Latinx and Hispanic Americans with disabilities are employed in the U.S., compared to 73.9 percent of working-age Latinx and Hispanic Americans without disabilities. This is in line with the rest of the country, with fully one-in-five Americans having a disability and just 30 percent of those who are working-age being employed, despite polls showing that most of them want to work.

Salma Hayek wearing a black tank smiling for the camera

Salma Hayek

While we know that there are currently at least 1,471,367 Latinx and Hispanic students with disabilities in our country, only 59 percent of them complete high school. To compound this issue, students with disabilities of all backgrounds are at risk for entering the school-to-prison pipeline; there are more than 750,000 people with disabilities behind bars in our nation. [continue reading…]

Free downloadable toolkit available online as a resource guide for Latina mothers and other caregivers of school-age children with disabilities

Washington, D.C., Sept. 6 – A new school year is challenging to everyone, but it can be exceptionally daunting to disabled members of the Latinx community and their families. But now RespectAbility, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that fights stigmas and advances opportunities for people with disabilities, aims to change that.

On Sept. 6, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., RespectAbility will unveil the first of its kind resource geared toward helping Latinx students with disabilities to succeed in academia and beyond.

Reporters are invited to join three of the co-authors for lunch at noon at the National Press Club’s Zenger Room. RSVPs to are required to attend.

“There is a vast talent in Latinx kids with disabilities, we just need to unleash it,” said Vincenzo Piscopo, Community and Stakeholder Relations Director of The Coca-Cola Foundation. “When we ensure that Latinx kids with disabilities have access to the same opportunities as everybody else, they not only win but society as a whole wins.” [continue reading…]

Washington D.C., Sept. 4 – “I am more than just one leg. I am a woman. And I am a woman with a disability. Standing forthright in power unapologetically. So, when I show up, I show up authentically. In that space, consistently,” expressed Donna R. Walton, the moderator, as she opened a panel on intersectionality at a daylong summit on the future of Americans with disabilities.

When sharing her story, Walton set an inclusive and frank tone not only for the discussion between the panelists of various backgrounds but also for all those present in the room. The summit, “From Washington to Hollywood and Beyond: The Future of Americans with Disabilities,” was sponsored by RespectAbility, a national nonprofit organization fighting stigmas and advancing opportunities for people with disabilities. The event consisted of panels on education, employment, media representation and intersectionality. During the day, two key journalists, Judy Woodruff of the PBS NewsHour and Joe Shapiro of NPR were presented with excellence in journalism awards for their coverage of disability stories. During the panel focused on intersectionality, the panelists, prompted by their experiences, spoke about the intersection of disability and other identities and their jobs. [continue reading…]

Recursos En Español

Tres imágenes de persones latinos/latinasConsejos de madre a madre

Soy una madre de tres hermosos hijos. Lorenzo de 13 años, Isabel de casi 10 y Julieta de 8. Me enteré de la condición especial de mi hijo mayor, Lorenzo, a los 2 meses de nacido y como era de esperarse, todo fue confusión al principio. Mucho más teniendo en cuenta que su condición es muy atípica y lo era aun más hace 13 años, pues pocos estudios acerca de la “agenesia de cuerpo calloso” había al respecto. Pocos sabían del tema, de sus consecuencias, de las posibles dificultades que vendrían para Lorenzo y de lo que debería esperar con el. Además del shock inicial, una gran incertidumbre se apoderaba de mí. Un desfile de médicos, familiares, amigos, personal médico, pasaban delante de mí opinando, recomendando, criticando, sugiriendo, preguntando, sintiendo lástima, pero muy pocos se acercaban con una actitud positiva y de esperanza. Me alejé, me callé, lloré, me fui metiendo en mi propio mundo, sin querer salir de el por un buen tiempo. Poco a poco fui saliendo y empecé a entender y a descubrir  de qué se trataba su condición, qué consecuencias tendría, si yo era la única en el mundo con un hijo con esta condición, cómo podía ayudarlo, cómo se transformaría mi familia, en fin.

Hoy, 13 años después, tengo claro que, como madre, hubiera querido tener a alguien allí que me hubiera dado algunos consejos, me tranquilizara, me diera “esperanza”, me explicara, o mejor dicho, me llevara de la mano de una forma positiva y me hubiera hablado tal como les hablo algunas veces a algunas mamás que acuden a mí cuando les dan un diagnóstico no esperado. Es por eso, que hoy, después de todo este camino recorrido y sabiendo que falta mucho por recorrer, te puedo dar algunos consejos para que tengas en cuenta:

  • Tu hijo (a) no es un diagnóstico. Tu hijo (a) es un ser humano, con derechos, con un futuro y con un proyecto de vida. Siempre lo será.
  • La discapacidad no es una tragedia. Es simplemente una forma de vida distinta. Todos somos distintos.
  • El problema no es de nuestros hijos. El problema es del entorno y de la sociedad que pone barreras para que nuestros hijos puedan crecer y desarrollarse dentro de una comunidad como cualquier otra.
  • Seguramente tu hijo (a) más retos, pero todo se puede lograr con el apoyo adecuado. Tu eres su mayor apoyo.
  • No dejes de ser positiva. Nuestros hijos no están enfermos. No necesitamos que los “curen”. Claro, pueden enfermarse como cualquier otra persona, pero eso es distinto.
  • Fíjate en sus fortalezas y habilidades, no en lo que te digan que “no puede hacer” Y créeme que hará mil cosas de las cuales ni tu esperabas.
  • No lo compares. Tu hijo (a) es único (a). Cada quien es especial a su manera. No estamos en una competencia. No lo compares ni con los hijos(as) de amigos de la misma edad ni con sus hermanos (as).
  • No trates de “normalizar”a tu hijo(a)! Tu hijo(a) es completamente normal!!! El o ella es así. Simplemente es distinto (a) a lo que todo el mundo considera convencional. Bueno, y ¿para qué queremos una sociedad donde todos seamos iguales?. Ser igual es aburrido.
  • No pienses que la verdad sobre tu hijo(a) la tienen los médicos o las enfermeras o terapeutas. Ellos son simplemente algunas herramientas que te apoyan y te pueden dar alguna información. Pero ellos jamás podrán limitar a tu hijo (a) ni a ti.
  • Rodéate de gente positiva, de buena energía, de gente que haya pasado por la misma experiencia pero que lleve ya un camino recorrido. Eso te ayudará mucho. No eres la primera que pasa por esto, ni la única ni la última. Hay mucha gente como tu, en las mismas y pueden ser una gran fuente de apoyo. No eres la única pasando por esto.
  • Investiga, busca, pregunta sobre la condición de tu hijo (a) pero no te obsesiones con ello. Debes informarte pero no obsesionarte. Filtra muy bien lo que encuentres en internet porque es una fuente que debes saber manejar. No todo lo que sale allí es de fiar. Infórmate, pero recuerda que la sabe mejor qué es lo que necesita o necesitará tu hijo (a) eres tu.
  • A partir de ahora te vas a volver una abogada de tu hijo (a) y de la discapacidad. Entiende la discapacidad y enséñale a la gente sobre esto para que los estigmas empiecen a desaparecer. Una sociedad incluyente es la ideal.
  • No te molestes ni te ofendas con los comentarios y preguntas que la gente hará sobre tu hijo (a). Aprovecha esa oportunidad para crear conciencia sobre la inclusión y sobre su condición. Recuerda que antes de esta experiencia, quizás tu eras igual que ellos.
  • No subestimes a tu hijo (a). No lo sobreprotejas. Trátalo como un (a) igual. Es lo mejor que puedes hacer por el o ella. Cuando el o ella vea que es tratado (a) como igual, verás que no tendrá límites.
  • Respeta su individualidad. Todos somos únicos. Tenemos gustos, ideas, pensamientos distintos. Siempre y cuando no se haga daño y no le haga daño a los demás (lo que puede poner en riesgo su seguridad), respeta y entiende que tanto como tu, el es un ser único. Apóyalo (a) y ayúdalo(a), pero no trates de cambiarlo(a).
  • Lo más importante es que tu hijo (a) sea un buen ser humano y tenga un proyecto de vida. Pero sobretodo que sea felíz. Bueno, ¿Y quién no quiere serlo?

Paola Vergara

10 consejos para padres: cómo abogar por su hija o hijo con una discapacidad

  • Reconoce que las niñas y los niños con discapacidad pueden cambiar el mundo
  • Crea una red de apoyo
  • Promueve la Independencia de tu hija o hijo
  • Reúnete con sus maestros para crear un plan de trabajo
  • Involúcrate en el aprendizaje de tu hija y hijo
  • Conoce sus derechos y aboga por ellos
  • Investiga los recursos y consulta a expertos que pueden apoyar a tu hija o hijo
  • Involúcrate en las actividades de tu hija o hijo
  • Cultiva y fomenta una imagen positiva de tu hija e hijo
  • Reconoce los retos de tu hija o hijo y celebra todos sus logros

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Aplique al programa nacional de liderazgo en RespectAbility. Estamos buscando candidatos bilingües con experiencia vivida con discapacidad.

More Resources You Can Use (IN ENGLISH)


RespectAbility’s Excellence in Journalism Awards

Joe Shaprio smiling Judy Woodruff smiling
Joe Shapiro
NPR Investigations
Judy Woodruff
PBS NewsHour

Fighting Implicit Bias Through TV and Film

Jeanette Betancourt smiling in front of a blue background Rachel Dretzin smiling Headshot of Crystal Emery headshot of Jonathan Murray wearing a gray striped shirt and facing the camera color photo Andrew Solomon smiling
Jeanette Betancourt
SVP, U.S. Social Impact,
Sesame Workshop
Rachel Dretzin
Far From the Tree
Crystal R. Emery
Black Women in Medicine
Jonathan Murray
Reality TV Pioneer,
Andrew Solomon
Award-Winning Author,
Far From the Tree

Four-Fold Improvement in New Jobs for People with Disabilities: What’s Driving It and How We Continue Improving

RespectAbility board member Janet LaBreck smiling in front of an American flag Ron Painter Vincenzo Piscopo smiling Jim Sinocchi sitting in front of a window with his dog by his side Donn Weinberg wearing a suit tie color photo
Janet LaBreck
Disability Employment
Ron Painter
CEO, National Association
of Workforce Boards
Vincenzo Piscopo
Community & Stakeholder
Relations Director,
The Coca-Cola Company
Jim Sinocchi
Office of Disability Inclusion,
JPMorgan Chase
Donn Weinberg
Philanthropy Roundtable

Hear From Leaders in Washington

Headshot of Johnny W. Collett Jennifer Sheehy official DOL Portrait wearing a red blazer sitting in front of two flags - American flag and DOL flag Rep. Brad Sherman smiling in front of an American flag
Johnny W. Collett
Assistant Secretary for Special
Education and Rehabilitative Services,
U.S. Department of Education
Jennifer Sheehy
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Office of Disability Employment Policy
U.S. Department of Labor
Rep. Brad Sherman

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

From left: Steven, Nick, Ollie and Leo Cantos pose
Steven, Nick, Ollie and Leo Cantos
Blind Triplets Who Have Become Eagle Scouts

Importance of Intersectionality: Enabling People of Color and Immigrants with Disabilities to Succeed

RespectAbility fellow Stephanie Farfan smiling in front of the RespectAbility banner Headshot of Kaity in professional dress in front of the Respectability banner Headshot of Clarence Page headshot of Donna Walton her hair is tied back and she is wearing a pearl necklace and pearl earrings, and smiling at the camera, color photo
Stephanie Farfan
National Leadership Alumna,
Kaity Hagen
National Leadership Fellow,
Clarence Page
Pulitzer Prize Winning Columnist,
Chicago Tribune
Donna Walton
Founder and President,
Divas With Disabilities Project

Also Featuring …

headshot of Vivian Bass smiling at the camera with long hair color photo

headshot of Eleanor Clift smiling and facing the camera wearing hoop earrings color photo
Vivian Bass
Board of Directors,
Eleanor Clift
The Daily Beast

Hosted By …

head shot of Calvin Harris wearing a blue suit, white shirt and red tie Headshot of Jennifer Mizrahi, smiling and facing the camera wearing a red blazer color photo
Calvin Harris
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi

Registration is required. Space is limited. 


8:00 AM – Registration and Networking

9:00 AM – Welcome by Calvin Harris, Chair, RespectAbility

9:10 AM – Education and High Expectations for Students with Disabilities

  • Johnny Collett, Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education

9:35 AM – Improving Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities

  • Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor

10:00 AM – PANEL: Four-Fold Improvement in New Jobs for People with Disabilities: What’s Driving It and How We Continue Improving

  • Moderator: Donn Weinberg, Chair, Philanthropy Roundtable
  • Janet LaBreck, Disability Employment, Expert
  • Ron Painter, Executive Director of the National Association of Workforce Boards
  • Vincenzo Piscopo, Community & Stakeholder, Relations Director, The Coca-Cola Company
  • Jim Sinocchi, Office of Disability Inclusion, JPMorgan Chase

11:00 AM – EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM AWARD to Judy Woodruff, Host, PBS NewsHour

11:30 AM – Breaking the Glass Ceiling (introduced by Vivian Bass)

  • Ollie Cantos, Board of Advisors, RespectAbility
  • Leo, Nick and Steven Cantos (blind triplets who are each Eagle Scouts)

12:00 PM – Lunch: How to Have an Impact in Washington

  • Moderator: Calvin Harris, Chair, RespectAbility
  • Rep. Brad Sherman, California
  • Other members of Congress TBA

1:30 PM – PANEL: Fighting Implicit Bias Through TV and Film

  • Moderator: Jonathan Murray, Reality TV Pioneer, Bunim/Murray
  • Jeanette Betancourt, SVP, U.S. Social Impact, Sesame Workshop
  • Rachel Dretzin, Director, Far From the Tree
  • Crystal R. Emery, Director, Black Women in Medicine
  • Andrew Solomon, Ph.D., Award-Winning Author, Far From the Tree

2:45 PM – PANEL: Importance of Intersectionality: Enabling People of Color and Immigrants with Disabilities to Succeed

  • Moderator: Donna Walton, Founder and President, Divas With Disabilities Project
  • Stephanie Farfan, National Leadership Alumna, RespectAbility
  • Kaity Hagen, National Leadership Fellow, RespectAbility
  • Clarence Page, Columnist, Chicago Tribune

3:45 PM – EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM AWARD to Joe Shapiro, Correspondent, NPR Investigations (presented by Eleanor Clift)

4:15 PM – A Look to the Future Featuring RespectAbility Board Members, Staff and Fellows

4:30 PM – Networking Reception

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From Washington to Hollywood and Beyond

Speaker Biographies

  • Vivian Bass, Board of Directors, RespectAbility

    Vivian G. Bass was elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees of Jewish Women International (JWI) in July 2016. Bass has dedicated her career to improving the quality of life, independence and community inclusion and dignity of persons with disabilities throughout the Washington, D.C., area, nationally and internationally. She became the CEO Emeritus of The Jewish Foundation for Group Homes (JFGH) in June 2016 subsequent to serving for 30 years at the helm of the agency, which ultimately grew to 77 residential locations via a wide variety of models, two innovative transition youth programs, a staff of 260, and having $28 million in total assets. As JFGH continued to become a model for more than 25 communities over five continents, Bass travelled extensively, mentoring these communities wishing to emulate the JFGH Program. Bass has presented at The World Congress on Disabilities in conjunction with the Paralympics, The National Organization on Disability (NOD), The American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), The National Association of Social Workers (NASW), The General Assembly of The Jewish Federations of North America, The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), The International Lion of Judah Conference and numerous others. She served as a board officer for Leadership Montgomery, Md. and currently is on the board of The Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). She was a founding board member of Potomac Community Resources (PCR), which evolved from the local Catholic Community. Bass is a Lion of Judah (“Woman of Valor”), the highest distinction internationally for Jewish women. Bass remains loyally engaged with The University of Michigan, where she pursued both her undergraduate and graduate studies in Special Education.

  • Jeanette Betancourt, Ed. D., SVP of U.S. Social Impact, Sesame Workshop

    Dr. Betancourt directs the development and implementation of community and family engagement initiatives making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children and their families. These research-based initiatives are designed to impact children’s early learning, health and well-being, and provide strategies and resources to counteract the effects of trauma while fostering the critical connections that adults have on children’s lives. Prior to joining Sesame Workshop, Dr. Betancourt created programs in adult learning and early childhood education at Teachers College, Columbia University.  She is a licensed bilingual speech and language pathologist and educational therapist. She participates on several national and local boards and has contributed to the start of charter schools. Dr. Betancourt has a BA and MA in Speech and Language Pathology; an MS in Bilingual Reading/Special Education, and an Ed.D. in Special Education.

  • Ollie Cantos, Board of advisors, RespectAbility

    Cantos has been active in the civil rights arena since 1990. He is Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education and Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID). He is also Chairman of the Board of Advisors for Scholarships for Eagles, Board Member of the Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children, Attorney Mentor for the American Bar Association Commission on Disability Rights, and Member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. He is most grateful for his adoption of three blind triplet boys – Leo, Nick, and Steven.

  • Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast

    Eleanor Clift is a columnist for the Daily Beast, an online publication where she writes about politics and culture. She previously worked for Newsweek, where she covered a variety of beats and was a key member of the magazine’s election team. Her cover story for Newsweek about the television show, Mad Men, won acclaim for capturing the era when women were relegated to the secretarial pool. Clift is perhaps best known as a panelist on the syndicated talk show, “The McLaughlin Group,” which last year ended a record 34-year run with the death of host and creator, John McLaughlin. She has appeared as herself in several movies, including “Dave,” “Independence Day,” “Murder at 1600,” and the CBS show, “Murphy Brown.” She has authored or co-authored several books, including, “Selecting a President,” “Founding Sisters and the 19th Amendment,” “Two Weeks of Life: A Memoir of Love, Death and Politics,” “Madam President: Blazing the Leadership Trail,” and “War Without Bloodshed: The Art of Politics.” Clift lives in Washington, D.C., where she is on the advisory council of the International Women’s Media Foundation, the Boards of the Center for Politics and Journalism and the American News Women’s Club and the Board of Governor’s of the National Hospice Foundation.

  • Johnny W. Collett, Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education

    Johnny Collett is the assistant secretary in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services at the United States Department of Education. In this capacity, he serves as the advisor to the U.S. education secretary on matters related to the education of children and youths with disabilities, as well as employment and community living for youths and adults with disabilities. Prior to joining the department, Collett served as the program director of special education outcomes at the Council of Chief State School Officers. Collett also served at the Kentucky Department of Education as the state’s special education director, as an assistant division director, and as an exceptional children consultant.

  • Rachel Dretzin, Director, Far From The Tree

    Dretzin has been honored with numerous awards for her documentaries, including the Emmy Award, the Peabody, the Du-Pont Columbia and the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award. For many years she has directed and produced documentaries for “Frontline,” PBS’ eminent documentary series. With her husband, filmmaker Barak Goodman, Dretzin is co-founder of Ark Media, a Brooklyn-based production company and a leading producer of nonfiction content. She has produced films for MSNBC, ABC and WNET. She has been a faculty member of the graduate program in social documentary at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. She graduated with honors from Yale University and lives in Brooklyn, where she has three teenage children.

  • Crystal R. Emery, Director, Black Women in Medicine

    Emery is a dynamic producer, author and filmmaker known for producing socially-conscious storytelling on a variety of platforms that celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Her groundbreaking feature-length documentary, Black Women in Medicine, has now been seen by over 12 million viewers globally and screened in American embassies around the world from Ethiopia to Germany. Emery is also the founder and CEO of URU The Right To Be, Inc., a non-profit content production company that tackles social issues via film, theater, publishing, educational media and other arts-based initiatives. She is a member of the Producers’ Guild of America, New York Women in Film and Television and she sits on the committee of 100Kin10’s Increasing Women’s Visibility in STEM.

  • Stephanie Farfan, Young Disability Advocate

    Stephanie Farfan was a Policy Fellow in the National Leadership Program at Respectability. She always has been committed to disability rights, particularly for the dwarfism community as she is a little person. She has experienced firsthand the discrimination many people with disabilities face. This discrimination led to her commitment to fight the stigmas and social barriers that people with disabilities have to contend with to be taken seriously. Farfan has been a part of Little People of America (LPA) since she was 16 years old and volunteers her time as a co-chair for the Hispanic Affairs Committee. Her fluency in Spanish enables her to help Spanish-speaking little people and their families get the resources and support they may otherwise not have access to. Farfan especially enjoys going to LPA conferences because there’s no party quite like a dwarf party. Farfan completed her undergraduate studies with a major in Peace and Conflict Studies and a minor in French at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. While there, she was the only little person on her campus – so naturally, it was quite difficult looking up all the time. Farfan had the opportunity to study abroad in Lille, France while at Juniata. She loved the experience and was grateful that the opportunity allowed her to improve her French. After graduation, Farfan moved back home to Florida. There, she worked at a number of interesting places – most notably a karate studio and a security and detective agency. Unfortunately, she does not know karate and also is not a private investigator, so please do not ask. Tired of the Florida sun, Farfan came to Washington, D.C., hoping to continue her studies. She was accepted to American University’s School of International Service, where she is studying International Peace and Conflict Resolution. She hopes to combine the experience she has working with the Latino community and her academic work in peace studies into a career that can help the international disability community. Eventually, she aspires to earn a Ph.D. in the peace field and hopes to open doors in academia for people with disabilities and foster intersectional inclusivity through her social activism. In her spare time, Farfan loves to cook and always is looking to expand her repertoire of recipes. She also loves comic books: the X-Men and Birds of Prey are among her favorite superhero teams because they both provide examples of intelligent and heroic people with disabilities fighting evil. Farfan always is willing to chat about comics.

  • Kaity Hagen, Young Disability Advocate

    Kaity Hagen is a Communications Fellow at RespectAbility working on the Hollywood disability inclusion project. Hagen is an advocate, activist and public speaker from Minnesota. She also is profoundly Deaf. Additionally, she is part of the LGBTQIA+ community, identifying as Queer. She joined RespectAbility because she wanted to be a part of making profound changes in disability rights, equity and accessibility all across the nation. Hagen’s primary goal is to reduce the stigma and misperception that people with disabilities cannot work, obtain an education or support a family. She wants to set an example for others and, through her own actions, show what is possible. Hagen also wants to promote and encourage speaking openly about disabilities and make it more of a conversational norm, rather than something to hide and be discreet about. Previously, Hagen was an intern in the Child Protection Unit at the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also worked as a Special Education Assistant at a charter school for grades 6-12 in St. Paul, Minnesota. These experiences, along with her personal experience, motivated her to become a more active role model and advocate for herself and others with disabilities. Hagen is a public speaker, speaking at schools and universities in Delaware, Maryland, California and Minnesota. Hagen is a senior at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities majoring in Psychology and minoring in Leadership. She was part of the brain club, unicycle club and the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association chapter club. In 2016, Hagen completed an internship at the University of Pacific Doctoral Audiology program in San Francisco. Hagen’s favorite author is the late neurologist Oliver Sacks. Hagen has a black belt in Taekwondo and is a ski and snowboard instructor. She loves cats and dogs. For fun she likes to draw, paint, play card and board games, lift weights and go for walks. After graduation, she wants to pursue law school or a career in disability advocacy and accessibility. In five years, Hagen wants to have graduated law school and be working as a criminal prosecutor or as a disability and human rights lawyer.

  • Calvin Harris, CHair, RespectAbility

    Harris, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, became involved in the disability space as a teenager. Because of his mother’s work in the neuromuscular lab at the Washington University School of Medicine, Harris met many kids with a disability. This experience inspired him to volunteer as a camp counselor at the Muscular Dystrophy Association Camp for Kids, where he spent several summers during high school and college. Today, Harris serves as senior manager of public affairs at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), the only Washington-based think tank that brings together leaders with different perspectives, yet stand united in their resolve to work for consensus-based solutions. He works alongside BPC’s experts to increase the visibility of regional, state and local efforts to better inform the federal decision-making process. Harris is a graduate of Morehouse College and the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.

  • Janet LaBreck, Disability Employment Expert

    LaBreck was confirmed as the Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), within the United States Department of Education in August of 2013. LaBreck was responsible for promulgating the most substantive regulation changes to the Vocational Rehabilitation program in over 15 years. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors including an Honorary Doctoral Degree from New England College of Optometry (NECO) for her innovative partnership which resulted in the establishment of a mobile eye care clinic for individuals with low vision conditions and was honored in 2017 by NECO who dedicated the Janet L. LaBreck Center for Low Vision Rehabilitation clinic in her honor in recognition of her commitment and dedication to the field of blindness. Most recently, LaBreck has established Janet L. LaBreck Consulting LLC in addition to becoming a contributing partner for Synergy Consulting Partners.

  • Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, President, RespectAbility

    Mizrahi is a champion for America’s 56 million citizens with disabilities. She has published dozens of op-eds and publications on disability issues, including in USA Today, The Hill and other publications. She has columns in The Huffington Post, Times of Israel and The Mighty. Mizrahi is a co-author of Disability & Criminal Justice Reform: Keys to Success, which brought critical attention to the school-to-prison pipeline for people with disabilities and was featured on the PBS NewsHour. She is involved in the Emmy-winning TV show Born This Way and advancing diversity in Hollywood. Dyslexic herself, she also knows what it means to parent a child with multiple disabilities.


    Murray is widely credited with helping to usher in the modern reality television genre with his late partner Mary-Ellis Bunim, and he continues to inspire, influence and entertain television audiences worldwide. Since the launch of The Real World on MTV in 1992 through Bunim/Murray Productions (BMP), Murray has created and executive produced some of the industry’s most innovative, unscripted, entertainment television programs including Born This Way (A&E), which documents the lives of young adults with Down Syndrome and their families. Serving as Chairman of BMP until April 2015, Murray was responsible for guiding the creative process that has distinguished the company’s shows since the early 1990s. In 2007, the company launched BMP Films which sold its first critically acclaimed documentary, Autism: The Musical, to HBO.

  • Clarence Page, The Chicago Tribune

    A Pulitzer Prize winner for Commentary, Page is a columnist syndicated nationally by Tribune Media Services and a member of the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board. Page also is a regular contributor of essays to The News Hour with Jim Lehrer and has been a regular on NBC’s The Chris Matthews Show, ABC’s Nightline and BET’s Lead Story news panel programs. He also used to be a regular on The McLaughlin Group.

  • Ron Painter, National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB)

    Painter assumed his role at NAWB in July of 2009. In his capacity as CEO of NAWB, Painter has traveled the country meeting with state and local workforce leaders in an effort to identify cutting-edge practices and programs and understand how best to spread innovative trends in human capital development throughout the nation-wide job training system. Painter was the founding CEO of the Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board in Pittsburgh, where under his leadership the organization focused on producing labor market research, working with public educators on improved student career information, supporting community leaders in the development of regional benchmarks, and establishing the Regional Workforce Collaborative with a membership of community colleges, WIBs, employers, labor, and economic development professionals. Before joining the Three Rivers Workforce Board, he worked in Washington, D.C., first on loan to the U.S. Department of Labor for the Enterprise Project, and then for the National Alliance of Business. Painter is a Board Member of the Committee for Education Funding, Manufacturing Skills Standards’ Council, Labor Market Institute, and is a Patron of Volition Community for the Manchester Cathedral in Manchester, England. Painter holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Grove City College in Pennsylvania and a Master’s in Public Administration and advanced graduate coursework from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public & International Affairs, where he served as Adjunct Faculty.


    Piscopo works as Community and Stakeholder relations director for The Coca-Cola Company where he manages the relationships with disability, veterans and Hispanic organizations as well as United Way and Hands-On Atlanta. He has worked for The Coca-Cola Company for the last 22 years in different areas of the organization: Finance, IT, Marketing and Innovation. He has a bachelor degree in Economics, an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, a Master in Creativity from Buffalo State College and is currently working in a Master in Rehabilitation Counseling. He is the president and founder member of the This-ABILITY BRG for The Coca-Cola Company and the president and founder of the “Wheels of Happiness Foundation” where he uses his expertise to help people with motor disabilities in disadvantaged areas of the world.

  • Joe Shapiro, Correspondent, NPR Investigations

    Shapiro is a correspondent on the NPR Investigations Unit. He takes on long-term reporting projects and covers breaking news stories for NPR’s news shows. In 2018, NPR ran his investigation, “Abused and Betrayed,” about the epidemic of sexual assault of people with intellectual disabilities. Shapiro joined NPR in 2001 and spent eight years covering health, aging, disability and children’s and family issues on the Science Desk. He is the author of the award-winning book, NO PITY: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, which is widely read in college disability studies classes and considered the classic examination of the disability movement. Before joining NPR, Shapiro spent 19 years at U.S. News & World Report, writing on social policy and serving as the magazine’s Rome bureau chief, White House correspondent and congressional reporter.

  • Jennifer Sheehy, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Disability Employment Policy

    Jennifer Sheehy is the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), US Department of Labor. The mission of ODEP is to develop policy that increases job opportunities for youth and adults with disabilities. Prior to her current position, Jennifer spent ten years at the US Department of Education in many roles, including acting Director of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, acting Deputy Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration and Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Jennifer came to the Department of Education from the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities where she was Senior Policy Advisor and served a detail as Associate Director in the White House Domestic Policy Council. Before she joined the task force staff, Jennifer was Vice President of the National Organization on Disability and Director of its CEO Council. Jennifer earned a BA from Cornell University and graduated with honors from Georgetown University, where she received her MBA. While in graduate school, she worked in marketing research with Anheuser-Busch Companies in St. Louis. Before graduate school, Jennifer also worked in marketing and management for Sheraton and Marriott. Jennifer has received many civic and achievement awards including the Georgetown MBA Program “Outstanding Student Leader” award; the Accenture Women in Government “Rising Leader” award, the National Spinal Cord Injury Association Hall of Fame designation; and the Diet Coke/Glamour magazine “Women at Their Best” award. Jennifer lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband.

  • Rep. Brad Sherman, California

    Congressman Sherman, from Sherman Oaks, was born and raised in southern California and represents California’s San Fernando Valley. He has been in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1997, and is currently serving his eleventh term in Congress. Congressman Sherman is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He serves as the ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee on Asia, and the second ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia.  Sherman is a Chairman Emeritus of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade.  He is also a senior member of the Financial Services Committee.

  • Jim Sinocchi, head of the Global office of disability inclusion, JPMorgan Chase

    Sinocchi works closely with senior leaders across JPMorgan Chase to establish consistent standards and processes to better support employees with disabilities. The office also supports employees who care for disabled family members. 
Sinocchi is keenly aware of the issues and challenges facing people with disabilities as he sustained a spinal cord injury early in his business career. He has been active in creating awareness and understanding of disability inclusion through his blog, View from the Chair. He has served on the boards of Jawonio, an organization focused on the well-being and equality of people with disabilities, and the Human Rights Commission in Rockland County, NY. He is also a member of the Viscardi Center Board of Directors — a special education school in NY for severely disabled students.

  • Andrew Solomon, PH.D., award winning author

    Solomon is a writer and lecturer on politics, culture and psychology; winner of the National Book Award; and an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. He is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University Medical Center, and President of PEN American Center. Solomon’s book, the best-selling Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, tells the stories of families raising exceptional children who not only learn to deal with their challenges, but also find profound meaning in doing so. Solomon earned a master’s degree in English and a Ph.D. in psychology at Jesus College, Cambridge. In 2015 he was elected president of PEN American Center. He also serves on the boards of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the World Monuments Fund, Yaddo, and the Alex Fund.

  • Donna Walton, The Divas With Disabilities Project

    Dr. Donna R. Walton is the Founder and President of Divas with Disabilities Inc. A native of the nation’s capital, Walton is an educator and motivator who believes in living not just surviving. She grew up dreaming of becoming a great performer. Facing crowds fed her soul, but fate had other plans. Losing her leg in 1976 to osteogenic sarcoma, a potentially fatal form of bone cancer, Walton became motivated to fight for the respect and dignity she believes all people deserve, especially African American women with disabilities. Walton’s pre-amputation aspirations to perform have not been lost only changed. Now Walton uses the stage to dispel the myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities. As a public speaker, Walton reaches and moves her audiences using her unique journey as evidence of how to live life in the face of adversity with passion and courage. Walton’s ability to captivate and motivate audiences through her trademark blend of humor, storytelling, and education has earned her numerous speaking engagements including the African-American Women on Tour Conference, The United States Conference on AIDS, The United States Army, Equal Opportunity Office, and the J.W. Marriott Hotel Annual Associates Program. Her impressive oratory skills have earned her awards as a member of the Capital Speakers of Toastmasters International. Walton, a strong advocate of the disability community and a published writer, reaches a broad audience with her tremendous literary skills. One of her most powerful pieces is a multi-published personal essay titled, “What’s a Leg Got to Do With It?” Says Walton, “to arrive where I am, I had to break down all the meanings my life had for me as a two-legged person and reconstruct a life for myself as an amputee- one that is empowered with courage and determination.” Shattered Dreams, Broken Pieces is her first book. In 1996, Walton created her small business, LEGGTalk, Inc. (formerly named Dream Reach Win), to help individuals translate their personal visions into action and sustained change. In 2012, she founded the Divas With Disabilities Project, a digital campaign aimed to support women of color with disabilities. The bulk of Walton’s work highlights diversity and disability awareness. Walton is perhaps best known for her facilitation of Empowerment Salons for young girls and women of color. Drawing from her background in counseling and education, she conducts Empowerment Salons and workshops to teach women how to embrace their inner strength, to gain self-confidence and self-control over life’s challenges. Walton received her Bachelors in Elementary Education at American University followed by her Masters in Adult Education from Syracuse University. She ultimately earned her Doctoral degree from George Washington University in 2005.


    Weinberg is one of the five trustees of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation and is its Executive Vice President and In-House Counsel. Employed by the Foundation since 1993, he became one of its trustees in 2002. He also served a three-year term as its Chairman (a rotating position) from 2010-2013. Weinberg focus primarily on the Foundation’s grant contracts, its non-Hawaiian real estate portfolio, and is liaison to the Foundation’s Hawaii office. He earned his law degree in 1978 from The University of Baltimore School of Law and served as Editor-in-Chief of the school’s Law Review. In law practice from 1978 through 1992, he specialized in general civil and medical malpractice litigation.

  • Judy Woodruff, Anchor and managing Editor, PBS NewsHour

    Woodruff has covered politics and other news for more than four decades at CNN, NBC and PBS. For 12 years, Woodruff served as anchor and senior correspondent for CNN, where her duties included anchoring the weekday program, “Inside Politics.” At PBS from 1983 to 1993, she was the chief Washington correspondent for The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. From 1984-1990, she also anchored PBS’ award-winning weekly documentary series, “Frontline with Judy Woodruff.”

National Leadership Program, Summer 2018

Daniela Nieves is smiling in front of the Respectability banner

Daniela Nieves

Daniela Nieves was a Policy Fellow in RespectAbility’s National Leadership Program. She joined RespectAbility, a nonprofit organization fighting stigmas and advancing opportunities for and with people with and without disabilities, to learn more about public policy and to work for a nonprofit organization that aims to help people with and without disabilities. Nieves plans to use her experience helping students with and without disabilities at RISE to contribute in education policy for youth with disabilities in America. She will also use her Spanish speaking and reading skills to participate in the creation of a Spanish toolkit for parents of students with disabilities. She first connected with people with disabilities as a high school advisor in Newark, New Jersey. She guided youth with intellectual disabilities to apply to college and to fight the stigmas associated with their disabilities. This process made her aware of the lack of accommodation and disability awareness. Most of the youth she advised had intersecting identities such as disability and race that made school more difficult.

Nieves is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Political Science at Rutgers University-Newark. On campus, Nieves is involved with social justice in urban cities and is a member of the BOLD Women’s Leadership Network. She also is an Honors Living-Learning Community (HLLC) scholar. In HLLC, she takes social justice classes every semester, consisting of urban education, intersectionality and international cultures. Her experience through urban education as a Rutgers Inspires Student’s Early advisor led to her interest in children with disabilities.

Her professional and personal interests in the future include attending law school, traveling around the world and representing disenfranchised peoples such as those with disabilities, immigrants and people of color. One of her personal missions is to help people with disabilities in prison and juvenile detention. Her favorite nonprofit organization to advocate for is Mallory’s Army, a nonprofit in New Jersey focusing on the fight against bullying. She babysat 12-year-old Mallory for a year and tragically lost her from suicide due to bullying. She is passionate about bullying and suicide awareness among children and would like to learn about its correlation with people with disabilities.

Her mother and father motivate her to work for marginalized people in America. Her mother immigrated from Colombia to the U.S. at the age of 19, and her father is from Puerto Rico. Living in a predominately caucasian area in New Jersey, her family was marginalized regularly for being Latino. From the early complications of buying a house in the suburbs to her personally getting bullied in school for looking different and speaking two languages, Nieves understands intersectionality. As a minority, she can relate to others who have intersecting identities and plans to focus her career on public service for marginalized people.

Nieves wrote one piece during the 2018 Summer Fellowship. Check it out on our website:

Learn More About The National Leadership Program

Six million students with disabilities and 22 million working age adults with disabilities in America deserve chance to succeed by receiving education and jobs they need to be independent

Washington, D.C., June 21 – As President Donald Trump is expected to announce his desire to merge the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor, RespectAbility urges caution.

“Reorganizing agencies is risky, ” RespectAbility’s President Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi said. “Clearly we need better outcomes and it is worth exploring change. But creating a better future depends on making sure everyone understands the scale of the problem facing people with disabilities as well.”

There are six million students with disabilities in America’s public schools and more than 20 million working-age adults with disabilities in the U.S who are eager to work. [continue reading…]

Geoffrey Melada headshot

Geoffrey Melada

Rockville, Maryland, June 7, 2018 – Geoffrey Melada, the director of communications for Hillel International, believes in the power of storytelling. So much so that he began his recent mentoring session with RespectAbility’s Fellows with a story. Melada told the story of how Sen. John McCain and his fellow prisoners of war used a “tap code” system to communicate with each other while held captive in the “Hanoi Hilton” during the Vietnam War. Why didn’t years of confinement break McCain? Communication. The ability to share their stories and emotions kept McCain and his fellow American POWs sane. “Their tap code,” said Melada, “was the key to their resilience.”

Melada went on to explain that storytelling is key to fundraising, a high priority in the nonprofit sector. He conceded that most organizations recognize by now that telling stories is important for “fundraising and friend-raising,” but don’t necessarily know where to start. This is where a good story comes in. Melada showed the fellows an Oscar-winning animated short about a baby sandpiper who must conquer its fear of the ocean to feed and encouraged the Fellows to brainstorm what made the six-minute short so compelling. Responses soon filled the board, as Fellows observed that the story contained conflict, compelling characters, creative problem solving and relationships. [continue reading…]

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Respect Ability - Fighting Stigmas. Advancing Opportunities.

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