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Hollywood Inclusion

Selena Gómez es un ejemplo a seguir para las jóvenes con discapacidades

Selena Gomez wearing a black dress, smiling broadly

Selena Gomez

Rockville, Md., 15 de octubre – Hace dos años, la estrella pop y actriz Selena Gómez entró caminando orgullosa al escenario de Ellen DeGeneres con un vestido negro largo hasta los pies y tacos altos. Tenía el cabello estirado hacia atrás, con ondas. En su rostro había una mirada decidida. Se sentó con la espalda erguida y una sonrisa, y les contó a Ellen y al mundo cómo es vivir con lupus.

“Es una enfermedad autoinmune; la tendré para siempre y uno sólo tiene que cuidarse”, les explicó Gómez a Ellen y al público. “Me puedo identificar con las personas”.

El lupus es una enfermedad autoinmune crónica que provoca que el organismo se ataque a sí mismo al ser incapaz de distinguir entre el tejido sano propio y los invasores. Según la Lupus Foundation of America, 1,5 millones de personas tienen lupus en los Estados Unidos y cinco millones lo padecen en todo el mundo. [continue reading…]

La actriz de Rápido y furioso, Michelle Rodríguez, cita su TDA como una motivación para el éxito

Michelle Rodriguez looking fierce

Michelle Rodriguez on set of Fast and Furious

Rockville, Md., 15 de octubre – Famosa por interpretar a mujeres sensuales y seguras de sí mismas en Perdidos y Rápido y furioso, Michelle Rodríguez, una actriz latina, enfoca ahora su mirada en escribir y dirigir películas.

“Quiero escribir y dirigir, pero no es fácil con el TDA. Me cuesta concentrarme cuando estoy sola. Soy muy despistada, pero me pone nerviosa tomar medicamentos; realmente no quiero depender de nada para controlar mi cerebro”, manifestó Rodríguez en una entrevista con World Entertainment News Network (WENN).

Ella nació en Texas; su madre, Carmen Milady Rodríguez, es dominicana y su padre, Rafael Rodríguez, es puertorriqueño; pero a los ocho años se mudó a la República Dominicana con su madre. La crió, en parte, su abuela materna. Sin embargo, a los 11 años, se mudó a Puerto Rico con su madre. [continue reading…]

Gina Rodríguez, la protagonista de Jane the Virgin, se sincera con respecto a su ansiedad

Gina Rodriguez wearing a black dress, smiling

Gina Rodriguez

Rockville, Md., 15 de octubre – Los fans del exitoso programa de CW Jane the Virgin conocen a su protagonista, Gina Rodríguez, como una figura que se expresa abiertamente en las redes sociales. Con frecuencia, publica mensajes sobre temas que considera importantes —feminismo, imagen positiva del cuerpo, política—, pero hace poco se sinceró en Instagram sobre un tema que la actriz no había tocado antes: su ansiedad.

Rodríguez publicó un video realizado por su amigo, el artista Anton Soggiu, como una obra de arte en forma de “retrato de diez segundos”. El video mostraba a una Rodríguez sonriente y cambiante, sin maquillaje, en las calles de Los Ángeles.

“Sufro de ansiedad. Y al mirar este clip pude ver lo ansiosa que estaba, pero siento empatía hacia mí misma. Quería protegerla y decirle que estaba bien sentir ansiedad, que no hay nada extraño o diferente en sentir ansiedad, y que yo triunfaré. Me gusta mirar este video. Me incomoda, pero siento libertad, tal vez incluso aceptación. Esta soy yo. Pura Gina”, escribió Rodríguez en la leyenda debajo del video.

Esta no es la primera vez que Rodríguez habla sobre una difícil afección personal. En 2015, publicó una foto en Instagram con una leyenda acerca de la lucha para aceptar su cuerpo debido a la enfermedad de Hashimoto que padece. La enfermedad de Hashimoto es una afección autoinmunitaria que afecta la tiroides y puede provocar fatiga crónica y aumento de peso. Desde la publicación de esa foto, empezó a publicar mensajes continuamente sobre la aceptación del cuerpo, el amor propio y la confianza.

Mientras los estudios muestran que muchas personas de la comunidad latina y de otras comunidades ocultan las discapacidades invisibles debido a los estigmas negativos, Rodríguez da el ejemplo al compartir abiertamente sus experiencias en Instagram. Por lo tanto, es un importante ejemplo de la campaña #RespectTheAbility (Respeta la capacidad) de RespectAbility, que presenta a personas con discapacidades que triunfaron en las carreras que eligieron.

Por lo menos uno de cada cinco estadounidenses tiene una discapacidad y, según las encuestas, la mayoría de ellos quiere trabajar. Aun así, el 70% de los estadounidenses en edad laboral que tienen discapacidades no forman parte de la población activa. Hay 4.869.400 latinos/hispanos que viven con una discapacidad en los EE. UU. Solo el 37% de los latinos/hispanos en edad laboral con una discapacidad tienen empleo en los EE. UU., en comparación con el 73,9% de los latinos/hispanos en edad laboral que no tienen una discapacidad. Rodríguez es la prueba de que esta no tiene que ser necesariamente la regla.

“Amo esta foto porque siento que la joven Gina finalmente se convirtió en su propia heroína”, expresó Rodríguez en la leyenda que acompañaba la fotografía del 2015.

La economía de nuestra nación es más fuerte cuando es inclusiva respecto del valor que trae la diversidad de talentos a la fuerza de trabajo. Las celebridades como Rodríguez están marcando la diferencia.

Leer este artículo en Inglés.

Shark Tank: People with Disabilities Can Be Best Talent on Any Team

Rockville, Md., Oct. 9 – To the everyday viewer, the television show Shark Tank seems like the opportunity for a budding entrepreneur to pitch an idea to a panel of sharks that either will or will not bite. However, the show is much more than that.  

Shark Tank proves that people with disabilities can be the best talent on any team.

Three out of the six sharks, as well as one guest shark, have dyslexia, which is an umbrella term for a learning disorder that causes a person difficulty reading and interpreting words. Richard Branson calls it an “opportunity,” while Barbara Corcoran credits her determination and drive to her childhood diagnosis of dyslexia. Daymond John says he sees “the world in a different way than most people and for me, that’s been a positive.” Kevin O’Leary says his dyslexia gives him “some really unique perspectives and abilities that I’d call superpowers.”

Not only does each one of these four sharks have immensely successful careers; they also are fighting stigmas about people with disabilities each and every day.

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Speechless Puts the Spotlight on Inclusive Education

Rockville, Md., Oct. 8 – The most recent episode of Speechless focused on the importance of inclusive education.

Maya is pleasantly surprised to learn a group of families with kids with disabilities have joined them at Lafayette after hearing a speech she gave at a conference about “mainstreaming and the parent-educator-student partnership.”

“It’s the school that teaches the child, but it’s the parents who teach the school,” Maya said, stressing how that as a parent you want to make sure that the school has the tools needed for your child to succeed in class that will help them later in life.

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Good Doctor Visual Effects Artist Views Life Visually Like Dr. Shaun Murphy

Sherman Oaks, Calif., Oct. 7 – The Good Doctor, which ABC just awarded a full season, features a young surgeon on the autism spectrum who thinks in terms of visual images. What viewers may not realize is one of the show’s visual effects artist thinks in the same way.

Side view of Andrew Dugan working on his computer

Andrew Dugan

Twenty-seven-year-old Andrew Dugan, who is on the autism spectrum, works in the visual effects studio at Exceptional Minds (EM), a nonprofit vocational school and working studio that prepares young adults on the autism spectrum for careers in digital animation and visual effects.

After completing EM’s vocational program, beginning part time and then full time for the last two years of the three-year program, Dugan was hired by EM to join its in-house studio in June 2016. A photographer and visual effects artist, Dugan is a very visual thinker. What viewers see when they watch The Good Doctor, Dugan sees in his life.

Dugan is one of five EM employees who completed split-screen shots for the first two episodes for ABC’s new series. Dugan, as well as Patrick Brady, Eli Katz, Tiana Fazio and Mason Taylor worked on split-screen composition, which involved creating a single, seamless shot from multiple takes. They combined two different takes of a scene using the performance of one actor from one take and another actor from a second take. Instead of reshooting, visual effects artists blend them together so it looks like it was the same take.

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Guilty Pleasures Night Includes Knock-Out Performances By Two Contestants with Disabilities

Rockville, Md., Oct. 6 – Dancing with the Stars Guilty Pleasures Night hit the screens with a bang showcasing knock-out performances by the remaining 11 couples.

Two contestants with disabilities earned high scores and top-notch reviews from the judges.

Victoria Alan, Paralympian

Paralympic swimmer Victoria Alan (Val Chmerkovski) attacked the dance floor with enthusiasm and determination as she performed a Quickstep to her guilty pleasure song Tub Thumping. Diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis as a teen, she was speechless and motionless for four years. After using a wheelchair for ten years, she began to gain feeling in her body and to walk again a year ago. She is famous for winning silver and gold medals in the London 2012 Paralympics.

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Shark Kevin O’Leary Calls Dyslexia His Superpower

Kevin O'Leary headshot wearing a dark gray suit and a red tie

Kevin O’Leary

Rockville, Md., Oct. 3 – One of the most pronounced, dangerous and hungry sharks out there has no fins, no tale, and no sharp teeth at all; however, he does have one characteristic that he attributes to his success and even refers to as “his superpower.”

Entrepreneur, investor and famous Shark from ABC’s television show Shark Tank, Kevin O’Leary has dyslexia.

“The way to look at dyslexia is as a unique power instead of an affliction,” O’Leary told Entrepreneur in an interview. “Very few people have the abilities that dyslexics have. If you look down the road, as they grow, what happens to dyslexic men and women is they become very successful in business. This is because dyslexia gives you some really unique perspectives and abilities that I’d call superpowers.”

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Shark Tank Entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran Proves Dyslexics Can Be Successful

Barbara Corcoran pointing toward the camera wearing a blue top and silver necklace

Barbara Corcoran

Rockville, Md., Oct. 3 – Barbara Corcoran is an American Business woman who started a real estate brokerage business at the age of 23. Famous for her TV personality on ABC’s Shark Tank as an entrepreneur and judge, she credits her determination and drive to her childhood diagnosis of dyslexia.

“When you cannot pronounce the other words that other kids are reading readily and the kids are laughing at you or are shouting the wrong letter to you, or the wrong syllable to you, it’s as painful as a child that I have never gotten over it. Honest to God, I’m sure of that. And so, when I got out of school, I really decided that I’m going to prove once and for all that I am not stupid,” she said in an interview with Spectrum News NY1.

Hailing from Edgewater, New Jersey, Corcoran comes from a large family and is the second eldest of ten children, which taught her to interact with different personalities. In an interview with The New York Times she said: “Everybody’s got to mesh, so you get training early on for getting along with people. It’s a great advantage.”

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Richard Branson: Dyslexia is an Opportunity

Richard Branson smiling with arms crossed, wearing a black top

Richard Branson

Rockville, Md., Oct. 3 – Richard Branson always has had a “go getter attitude” in life, even when it comes to his dyslexia.

“Dyslexia is a kind of disability, but actually it’s an opportunity if you turn it into such,” he said during the SkyBridge Capital’s SALT Conference in Las Vegas.

As a child, Branson struggled in school with his dyslexia, failing at the all-boy school Scaitcliffe. When he was 13, he transferred to the Stowe school, a boarding school in Buckinghamshire, England. His struggles in school did not get any better, so at the age of 16, he dropped out of school.

This led to the beginning of his entrepreneur career; he started a magazine that was made by and for students. Called Student, the first edition sold an estimated 8,000 advertisements, enabling him to give out the first 50,000 copies for free.

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Respect Ability - Fighting Stigmas. Advancing Opportunities.

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