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Appendix B: The Survey Itself: Total, California and New York Data

See all of the responses to our new study on Disability in Philanthropy & Nonprofits as well as responses from New York and California.

Q1: Please check all the following that apply to your organization:

TOTAL: Answered 964/Skipped 5
CA: Answered 225/Skipped 0
NY: Answered 136/Skipped 0

Answer Total CA NY
Nonprofit organization 76% 72% 79%
Foundation 18% 17% 10%
Individual donor or Donor Advised Fund 4% 3% 3%
Faith-based organization 7% 3% 10%
Corporation 6% 5% 7%
Philanthropy-serving organization 8% 8% 7%
Government or public sector 5% 5% 1%
Consultancy 7% 8% 10%
Other 7% 6% 7%

Q2: In which state do you live?

TOTAL: Answered 948/Skipped 21
CA: Answered 225/Skipped 0
NY: Answered 136/Skipped 0

(Open-ended/Data N/A)

Most of these questions are focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. We recognize that many leaders and organizations have just started their journeys on these issues. We honor your candid input, and we expect answers to many of the questions will be “no” or “don’t know.” Our intention is to take a snapshot of where philanthropy and nonprofits are at this moment and to identify what is needed or helpful to fill critical gaps in the field.

Q3: Has the leadership of your organization made a specific commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion that has been made public to management, staff, stakeholders, and the public?

TOTAL: Answered 931/Skipped 38
CA: Answered 223/ Skipped 2
NY: Answered 132/Skipped 8

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 72% 72% 72%
No 21% 22% 20%
I don’t know 7% 7% 8%

Q4: If yes, check all the diversity areas you specifically named:

TOTAL: Answered 589/Skipped 380
CA: Answered 187/Skipped 88
NY: Answered 84/Skipped 52

Answer Total CA NY
Race 93% 95% 93%
Gender 87% 87% 92%
Sexual orientation/Gender Identity 73% 74% 77%
Disability 68% 69% 68%
Ideology 39% 37% 44%
Other 20% 27% 15%

Q5: In the past 2 years, in what areas have you or your organization sought out additional learning opportunities for staff and leadership around diversity, equity and inclusion? Please check all that apply.

TOTAL: Answered 820/Skipped 149
CA: Answered 199/Skipped 26
NY: Answered 117/Skipped 19

Answer Total CA NY
Race 53% 52% 49%
LGBTQ+ 38% 41% 36%
Religion 16% 13% 15%
Gender Issues 38% 41% 30%
Sexual Harassment 41% 46% 46%
Disability 35% 38% 33%
English-language learners/Immigrants 28% 32% 29%
Ideology 11% 9% 10%
None of the above 12% 10% 15%
I don’t know 10% 8% 12%
Other 10% 12% 9%

Q6: On a scale of 1-5, where 1 means not at all diverse, and 5 means very diverse, how diverse do you believe your organization is when it comes to the following groups?

TOTAL: Answered 819/Skipped 150
CA: Answered 198/Skipped 197
NY: Answered 116/Skipped 20

Total 1
Not Diverse at All
2 3 4 5
Very Diverse
Ethnic/racial minorities 10% 19% 25% 19% 28%
LGBTQ+ community 16% 22% 27% 16% 18%
Gender 5% 11% 24% 26% 34%
People with disabilities 29% 26% 17% 9% 19%
Immigrants 25% 23% 22% 13% 18%
Age 2% 13% 27% 26% 32%
Religion 8% 18% 33% 18% 23%
Ideology 10% 25% 35% 14% 16% 
California 1
Not Diverse at All
2 3 4 5
Very Diverse
Ethnic/racial minorities 6% 13% 23% 20% 39%
LGBTQ+ community 10% 21% 27% 18% 24%
Gender 4% 11% 25% 24% 37%
People with disabilities 29% 22% 15% 10% 24%
Immigrants 19% 21% 24% 13% 23%
Age 3% 16% 26% 24% 31%
Religion 8% 17% 33% 17% 26%
Ideology 10% 24% 40% 11% 14%
New York 1
Not Diverse at All
2 3 4 5
Very Diverse
Ethnic/racial minorities 10% 21% 29% 10% 29%
LGBTQ+ community 15% 24% 25% 19% 17%
Gender 6% 9% 27% 23% 36%
People with disabilities 29% 30% 17% 9% 16%
Immigrants 21% 21% 23% 15% 20%
Age 2% 14% 20% 26% 38%
Religion 9% 15% 34% 17% 24%
Ideology 10% 27% 27% 22% 15%

Now we are going to ask you some specific questions about enabling leaders and organizations to include people with disabilities, just like anyone else.
A disability can be a physical, intellectual, sensory, or mental health or other condition that is a barrier to everyday living. Some people are born with disabilities. Others acquire them through accident, aging, illness, environmental impacts, violence, or military service.
People with disabilities are also part of other minority groups — including African Americans, immigrants and LGBTQ+ individuals. There are 6 million children with disabilities in America’s public schools. According to the CDC, fully 1 in 4 adults have a disability.

Q7: Be honest here. If you knew that someone you were going to work with had a disability, would you be…

TOTAL: Answered 737/Skipped 232
CA: Answered 181/Skipped 44
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Very excited 23% 28% 18%
Somewhat excited 44% 46% 36%
Somewhat concerned 32% 25% 45%
Very concerned 1% 1% 1%

Q8: Many organizations do not fully include people with disabilities. What do you think are the top two reasons why the inclusion of people with disabilities has not happened yet in so many organizations?

TOTAL: Answered 740/Skipped 229
CA: Answered 183/Skipped 42
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Conversations and actions around diversity, equity, and inclusion are complex, difficult and can open up legal risks 11% 9% 10%
There is overt or unconscious bias about people with disabilities 36% 44% 35%
Other, more urgent concerns impact organizations 16% 12% 18%
No one specifically asked the organization to include people with disabilities and make it a priority 18% 22% 14%
The staff and leaders do not have the training, resources or contacts to make it successful 16% 11% 21%
Diversity efforts, while well-intended, can pit groups of people against each other and make minorities feel like they are tokens 4% 2% 2%

Q9: And what would be your second choice?

TOTAL: Answered 731/Skipped 238
CA: Answered 197/Skipped 46
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Conversations and actions around diversity, equity, and inclusion are complex, difficult and can open up legal risks 12% 14% 10%
There is overt or unconscious bias about people with disabilities 17% 19% 25%
Other, more urgent concerns impact organizations 21% 23% 17%
No one specifically asked the organization to include people with disabilities and make it a priority 20% 14% 27%
The staff and leaders do not have the training, resources or contacts to make it successful 24% 24% 19%
Diversity efforts, while well-intended, can pit groups of people against each other and make minorities feel like they are tokens 6% 6% 2%

Q10: What do you think is the most compelling reason to include and increase opportunities for people with disabilities?

TOTAL: Answered 743/Skipped 226
CA: Answered 185/Skipped 40
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Our nation was founded on the principle that anyone who works hard should be able to get ahead in life. People with disabilities deserve equal opportunity to earn an income, achieve independence and be included, just like anyone else. 18% 17% 22%
Companies including Microsoft, JPMC, Coca-Cola and others have seen that talented people with disabilities can bring unique experiences, innovation and determination to organizations. It is time for nonprofits and philanthropy to benefit from what people with disabilities CAN do. 8% 6% 8%
Problems are best solved by working with people who have experienced them first hand and know solutions that work. Just like issues that impact people of different racial, ethnic or other backgrounds, people with disabilities should be involved in solving issues that impact them. 24% 26% 20%
Only 1 in 3 people with a disability has a job. People with disabilities are twice as likely to be poor as people without disabilities. They are disproportionally impacted by issues of school suspension and dropping out, unemployment, homelessness, abuse, incarceration and other issues. 7% 7% 4%
Organizations are at their best when they welcome, respect and include people of all backgrounds. This includes people with disabilities. 44% 43% 47%

Q11: And what would be your second choice?

TOTAL: Answered 740/Skipped 229
CA: Answered 185/Skipped 40
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Our nation was founded on the principle that anyone who works hard should be able to get ahead in life. People with disabilities deserve equal opportunity to earn an income, achieve independence and be included, just like anyone else. 22% 16% 27%
Companies including Microsoft, JPMC, Coca-Cola and others have seen that talented people with disabilities can bring unique experiences, innovation and determination to organizations. It is time for nonprofits and philanthropy to benefit from what people with disabilities CAN do. 13% 16% 9%
Problems are best solved by working with people who have experienced them first hand and know solutions that work. Just like issues that impact people of different racial, ethnic or other backgrounds, people with disabilities should be involved in solving issues that impact them. 27% 28% 27%
Only 1 in 3 people with a disability has a job. People with disabilities are twice as likely to be poor as people without disabilities. They are disproportionally impacted by issues of school suspension and dropping out, unemployment, homelessness, abuse, incarceration and other issues. 10% 13% 9%
Organizations are at their best when they welcome, respect and include people of all backgrounds. This includes people with disabilities. 28% 28% 26%

Q12: Which one of these FACTS is most compelling that increasing inclusion of people with disabilities is important?

TOTAL: Answered 742/Skipped 227
CA: Answered 184/Slipped 41
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Studies show that 70% of people with disabilities want to work and that the majority of young people with disabilities can get jobs and careers when they are given the right opportunities and supports. 37% 39% 36%
Only 35% of working age people with disabilities has a job and the poverty rate of working-age people with disabilities is over twice that of persons without disabilities (29% compared to 13%). 10% 9% 17%
Fully 1 in 5 people have a disability. 16% 16% 15%
There are more than six million children with disabilities, including more than a million black/African American and 1.5 million LatinX students with disabilities in our schools today. 4% 4% 3%
32% of Federal prisoners, 40% of people in jail and the majority of women who are incarcerated have a disability. 3% 4% 3%
Most accommodations to include people with disabilities are simple, free or low cost. With new technology and best practices, more people with disabilities can be included successfully. 30% 28% 26%

Q13: And, what would be your second choice?

TOTAL: Answered 743/Skipped 226
CA: Answered 185/Skipped 40
NY: Answered 106/Skipped 30

Answer Total CA NY
Studies show that 70% of people with disabilities want to work and that the majority of young people with disabilities can get jobs and careers when they are given the right opportunities and supports. 29% 25% 28%
Only 35% of working age people with disabilities has a job and the poverty rate of working-age people with disabilities is over twice that of persons without disabilities (29% compared to 13%). 17% 15% 13%
Fully 1 in 5 people have a disability. 14% 14% 14%
There are more than six million children with disabilities, including more than a million black/African American and 1.5 million LatinX students with disabilities in our schools today. 8% 10% 9%
32% of Federal prisoners, 40% of people in jail and the majority of women who are incarcerated have a disability. 5% 9% 4%
Most accommodations to include people with disabilities are simple, free or low cost. With new technology and best practices, more people with disabilities can be included successfully. 27% 26% 31%

Q14: There are several accommodations and accessibility tools that enable people with disabilities to engage in organizations and activities. Which of the following are policies of your organization? Please check all that apply.

TOTAL: Answered 711/Skipped 258
CA: Answered 179/Skipped 46
NY: Answered 103/Skipped 33

Answer Total CA NY
We enable people who are blind or have low vision to be able to access our materials on the web by ensuring that our website is set up properly for screen readers. 17% 16% 17%
We ensure that people who are deaf or hard of hearing can participate by ensuring that all video content has captions. 14% 17% 13%
Our public events enable people with disabilities to request accommodations such as sign language interpreters, live captioning or food allergy issues in the registration form. 30% 34% 20%
Our events are always held in physically accessible spaces that have accessible parking spaces or transportation options for people with physical disabilities. 59% 61% 50%
There is a process where employees, trustees/board members and volunteers with disabilities can request and get needed accommodations if needed so that they can succeed in their roles. 41% 42% 40%
None 16% 15% 19%
Not applicable 10% 9% 13%

Q15: Which of the following groups in your organization include people with disabilities? Please check all that apply.

TOTAL: Answered 718/Skipped 251
CA: Answered 181/Skipped 44
NY: Answered 103/Skipped 33

Answer Total CA NY
Board 24% 29% 23%
Professional leadership/management 20% 23% 18%
Staff overall 42% 51% 45%
Volunteers 41% 41% 39%
People you serve 66% 66% 67%
Not applicable 6% 3% 8%
I don’t know 23% 27% 23%

Q16: Do you ask your members or grantees if they are representative (e.g., staff, board) of the people they serve?

TOTAL: Answered 720/Skipped 249
CA: Answered 181/Skipped 44
NY: Answered 103/Skipped 33

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 28% 33% 27%
No 30% 33% 24%
Not applicable 23% 21% 30%
I don’t know 19% 14% 18%

Q17: (If yes) Is disability included in that representation?

TOTAL: Answered 196/Skipped 773
CA: Answered 58/Skipped 167
NY: Answered 28/Skipped 108

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 47% 50% 36%
No 26% 22% 39%
Not applicable 6% 0% 14%
I don’t know 21% 28% 11%

Q18: Has your organization made an intentional effort to recruit individuals with disabilities for employment, interns, volunteers and/or board positions in your organization?

TOTAL: Answered 706/Skipped 263
CA: Answered 176/Skipped 49
NY: Answered 103/Skipped 33

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 23% 28% 18%
No 46% 48% 54%
Not applicable 5% 3% 9%
I don’t know 25% 21% 18%

Q19: Do you ask your members or grantees to intentionally include people with disabilities in their work?

TOTAL: Answered 707/Skipped 262
CA: Answered 176/Skipped 49
NY: Answered 103/Skipped 33

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 20% 26% 16%
No 39% 37% 45%
Not applicable 23% 22% 26%
I don’t know 19% 15% 14%

Q20: Does your organization depict people with visible disabilities (i.e. show pictures of people who use wheelchairs, white cane, have Down syndrome etc.) in your internal or external marketing and/or advertising materials?

TOTAL: Answered 707/Skipped 262
CA: Answered 177/Skipped 48
NY: answered 102/Skipped 34

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 38% 42% 40%
No 44% 43% 41%
Not applicable 9% 7% 15%
I don’t know 9% 7% 4%

Q21: Do you have a public and explicit policy that your staff/organization cannot deny individuals with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in your services and activities?

TOTAL: Answered 708/Skipped 261
CA: Answered 178/Skipped 47
NY: Answered 102/Skipped 34

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 72% 74% 71%
No 12% 10% 16%
I don’t know 16% 16% 14%

Q22: We want to provide you and the field overall with tools, training and resources that you and others will find helpful as you work to include people with disabilities, just like anyone else. Which of the following would you find helpful? Check all that apply.

TOTAL: Answered 678/Skipped 291
CA: Answered 172/Skipped 53
NY: Answered 100/Skipped 36

Answer Total CA NY
Training in accessible and inclusive communications—technology, website, social media 61% 66% 64%
Training in recruiting, hiring, retaining and succeeding with employees, volunteers and board members with disabilities 61% 69% 66%
Free online tools and training that you can use 24/7 56% 55% 49%
Training in disability etiquette 54% 63% 51%
Money to create accessibility and/or accommodations for people with disabilities 42% 42% 44%
Information and training on how to add the disability lens to work on issues faced by marginalize people (With a special focus on education, homelessness, and/or criminal justice) 40% 43% 34%
Training in physical, programmatic, and event accessibility 36% 40% 39%
Data on people with disabilities and the groups and programs serving them in your specific geographic area 34% 41% 23%
Information on best practices to create success for diverse children with disabilities 27% 29% 19%
Disability-awareness speakers 27% 30% 29%
Information on how to enable job seekers with disabilities to get the education, skills and careers they need to succeed 25% 33% 17%
Resources for English language learners with disabilities 21% 26% 14%
No resources needed 7% 3% 6%

Q23: People who are experiencing incarceration, homelessness, poverty or other challenges often have intersectional identities and barriers. Do you know where to find best practices to help marginalized people with disabilities who may lack literacy, executive function skills or good mental health succeed?

TOTAL: Answered 682/Skipped 287
CA: Answered 171/Skipped 51
NY: Answered 100/Skipped 36

Answer Total CA NY
Yes 28% 28% 29%
No 54% 56% 53%
Not applicable 7% 6% 13%
I don’t know 11% 10% 5%

Q24: What do you think needs to happen for there to be more acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector? For example, have you seen anything that works particularly well that you want to share? What ideas do you have?

TOTAL: Answered 412/Skipped 557
CA: Answered 105/Skipped 120
NY: Answered 58/Skipped 78

(Open-ended/Data N/A)

Q25: What best describes your role in the organization? (If you fill more than one role, please pick your most significant.)

TOTAL: Answered 673/Skipped 296
CA: Answered 170/Skipped 55
NY: Answered 99/Skipped 37

Answer Total CA NY
CEO/Executive 36% 36% 36%
Human Resources 3% 2% 6%
Programming/professional staff 32% 38% 28%
Event planning 2% 1% 2%
Advocacy/Systems change 2% 4% 1%
Direct service 1% 1% 1%
Board Member/Lay Leader 6% 5% 11%
Volunteer 1% 1% 1%
Other 16% 12% 13%

Q26: Do you, a family member, or a close friend have a disability such as a physical, mental health, sensory, learning, cognitive or other disability that impacts daily living? Please check all that apply.

TOTAL: Answered 672/Skipped 297
CA: Answered 170/Skipped 55
NY: Answered 99/ Skipped 37

Answer Total CA NY
I have a disability 16% 19% 8%
I have a close family member with a disability 52% 52% 47%
I have a close friend with a disability 32% 35% 28%
I work professionally on behalf of people with disabilities 21% 29% 19%
I am a volunteer for disability causes 11% 11% 5%
None of the above 21% 15% 28%

Q27: What is your age?

TOTAL: Answered 670/Skipped 299
CA: Answered 169/Skipped 56
NY: Answered 99/Skipped 37

Answer Total CA NY
Under 18 0% 0% 0%
18-22 0% 1% 0%
23-29 6% 7% 7%
30-39 16% 20% 20%
40-44 8% 11% 5%
45-49 12% 10% 7%
50-54 13% 13% 14%
55-59 16% 13% 10%
60-64 14% 17% 14%
65-69 8% 5% 15%
70-74 3% 1% 5%
75+ 3% 2% 2%

Q28: How would you describe yourself?

TOTAL: Answered 672/Skipped 297
CA: Answered 168/Skipped 57
NY: Answered 99/Skipped 37

Answer Total CA NY
White 77% 67% 80%
Black or African American 7% 8% 8%
American Indian 0% 1% 0%
Asian 3% 5% 2%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0% 1% 0%
From multiple races 5% 8% 4%
I prefer not to answer 4% 5% 4%
Other 4% 6% 2%

NOTE: “Hispanic or Latinx” was inadvertently omitted from this response set.

Q29: What is your gender?

TOTAL: Answered 673/Skipped 296
CA: Answered 171/Skipped 54
NY: Answered 98/Skipped 38

Answer Total CA NY
Female 73% 75% 79%
Male 25% 23% 19%
Transgender 1% 1% 0%
Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming 1% 1% 2%

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